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1300 735 221


13 Severn Street
St Marys, NSW 2760

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Industrial Scaffolding


Ace Scaffolding Services is able to provide scaffold and/or scaffolding labour for any industrial or commercial application. Ace Scaffolding Services is not restricted geographically and has the capability to offer labour under fly-in/fly-out arrangements where necessary.

Ace Scaffolding Services is Xstrata-accredited and possesses the experience and expertise to complete scaffolding projects both above and below ground. Ace has supplied scaffold and scaffolding services to some of Australia's largest mining companies, including Xstrata, Rio Tinto and Centennial Coal.


Are your operating costs rising? Demand for your product falling? Need to improve scaffolding efficiency and/or safety? ... Ace can help.

Ace are committed to adding value for clients.  We're committed to adding value for clients in all of our sectors, including industrial maintenance scaffolding. 

Our comprehensive range of height access products, expertise, and services allows us to provide unique height access solutions that save time, save money, AND improve safety.


Reducing Costs of Industrial Maintenance Scaffolding

Ace has developed a modern and innovative approach to industrial scaffolding. Intelligent scoping of projects, and transparent contract pricing ensures value for our clients. 


Improving Safety of Industrial Maintenance Scaffolding

Efficiency and safety are not contradictions at Ace.  Using intelligent planning and methodologies  we actively seek to eliminate risks whilst improving productivity.


How to Reduce Durations of Maintenance Shutdowns

When your plant is not producing products are you losing money? The answer is most likely yes.
If we could reduce your shutdown and get you plant online sooner, would that save you money?
Ace industrial scaffolding practices are proven to reduce shutdown duration.

To learn how we can add value at your facility, reduce your shutdown duration, and eliminate risks, contact the team today.

VIEW MORE - Industrial Scaffolding Services NSW